Reverse Ret-NO

Morgan and Laura return for a new episode of the podcast. For hockey, they cover Bayne Pettinger coming out, the updates on the 2021 season, and the passing of friend of hockey Alex Trebek. But they spent most of their time ranting again on the reverse retro jerseys and the NHL's terrible unveiling of them. For the MLB, they have to start with crappy behavior: from Tony LaRussa being charged with DUI and then signed by the White Sox a day later to noted cheater Alex Cora getting hired and other noted cheater Jeff Luhnow suing the Astros over his termination there was a plethora of ranting to do. Things ended on a high note however when they discussed Steve Cohen officially owning the Mets and also being hilarious on Twitter and Kim Ng making history and shattering a glass ceiling by being named GM of the Marlins.

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