Off the shoulder

16It took me awhile to get on board with the off the shoulder trend.  I admired it from afar at first. I expected it to just be one of those trends I'd miss out on because it wouldn't look right on me. I tried on a few here and there when I found one, but it always looked a little off or the elastic was annoying.  But the more I saw it on instagram or on different style blogs, the more determined I was to find at least one I liked on myself.So of course when I was looking around Old Navy and found this one, I was pleasantly surprised they still had any left, let alone in my size. So I took it as a sign to give this trend another try.I fully expected to just try it on and not be that into it and finally accept this would be a trend that wasn't for me and I'll officially pass on.I was wrong.It turned out to be one of those tops you try on, and then you love so much you don't want to take it off to try anything else in your pile on and you just want to leave the store wearing it, you know what I mean?Needless to say, I wore it probably three days straight after buying it.And now I want all the off the shoulder tops I can find!Is this a trend you're loving or passing on?Old Navy top (exact it sold out currently, similar linked) // Target jeans //Straw Hat (similar) // Target purse // Target heels (similar) //nail polish: OPI Fearlessly Alice814672317109