Pink Floral Wrap Dress
As you read this, I’m currently doing some real adult things… sitting in jury duty. Jury duty day two. Kind of? I had a jury summons for Tuesday and I was part of the lucky 147 of the 204 to be put on a panel to potentially be on a jury and lucky me, instead of getting it all done in one day, my case is picking it’s jury today.
Anyway, hope your day is going to be more interesting than mine!
I bought this dress back in April and it was one of those dresses I saw on the rack and was like ‘this probably won’t be great on me but I’ll try it anyway.’ And clearly it was great and I loved it! The color is super fun, and definitely stand out in my closet which I’ve noticed is a lot of blue lately. It’s the first and only wrap dress I own and it’s super comfy!
Also these heels are super easy to walk in and not at all uncomfortable! Highly recommend!