Tips for Dealing with Anxiety No. 2


With graduating from University in December and currently being on the job hunt, I have a lot of free time on my hands. Free time that isn't exactly wanted. Because with that, I've found my anxiety creeping back up on me, which is typical for me when I don't have something consistently occupying my time.

Last year I wrote a post about my anxiety and another one about tips that have helped me deal with it. Since then, some of the same methods have still been helpful but I wanted to add to it.



While I love social media, sometimes it really affects my mental health negatively. Always having access to news and opinions, can amp up my anxiety sometimes and get my mind racing.

Usually when that happens, I'll delete Twitter (since that's usually the app I see most news from) off my phone for a few days, a week or so. To kind of give my mind a break from some of the serious topics and the news, to ease my mind for a while.

However, since Twitter is how I keep up with sports, promote my work, and get info for writing, it's hard to delete it and not want to check in. That's where lists come in.

I made a list on twitter, that's specifically for sports only, since politics and news tends to be a trigger for me, sometimes it's better if I can focus on things that'll take my mind off the triggers while still being somewhat tuned in, if that makes sense?

I also recommend muting words or even accounts that you've found tend to give you more negative feelings.

Basically just because news is available 24/7, don't feel obligated to be talking about it or following it 24/7.


This is a tip I had in my first post but this is different recommendations. If you follow me on instagram, you know I love motivational and positive quotes and inspiration. I post it almost daily in my stories because I feel like if something simple like that helps me, it might help someone else.Because of that, I've also recently purchased books on that same theme. I try to read a few pages either before bed or when I wake up in the morning to get a sense of calming.Here are a few that I have, I haven't completely read all of them but I've read a few pages here and there out of each and recommend them if this is something you're looking for!


This is also something in my first post, once again I'm adding more recommendations because you can't have too many! Baseball and Hockey have been my go-to but on off-days or if I'm feeling anxious before a game is on, these become my feel good, uplifting shows (all available on either Hulu or Netflix):

  • The Great British Baking Show (the accents alone are comforting)

  • The Bold Type

  • Queer Eye (get ready for a good happy cry!)

  • Newsroom (somehow comforting even though it's about the news, which I've mentioned can sometimes trigger my anxiety)

  • Survivor (Occasionally my mom and I will watch old seasons)

  • Food Network (sometimes I just leave my TV on this channel for days at a time, even if it's just for background noise.)

  • The Crown

  • Sugar Rush

 Leave a comment and let me know if you’ve tried these or if you have other tips!Hope these help ❤