welcome to blog by mp!
New look. New name. More inspiration.
It finally happened!!
I’ve been wanting a full update of my blog complete with a name change for years. And I couldn’t be happier and even a little proud that it’s finally happened.
When I started this blog back in 2014, it was on Wix but I felt I couldn’t do much on there at the time as far as site design goes to make it feel more me. So I moved to wordpress in 2016 and it felt like a better representation of who I am. Which was the whole point to starting a blog six years ago. I wanted a place where I could write about anything that was on my mind that required more than a short, quick tweet.
In the last couple of years I really began to get an itch for change again and I knew I really wanted to change the name. While I loved ‘Peplums and Pitches,’ if felt like I had boxed myself in on what my content should be. And while obviously no one was telling me what I could and couldn’t write about, I had the idea that because of my blog name readers would expect baseball and style/beauty posts and I was just over feeling like that. Even if it was unfounded.
So then the struggle became picking a name. Because when it comes to ‘branding’ that is not my strong suit. And I really wanted the name to be perfect, something I wouldn’t get bored of after a few years.
I came up with a few, some I really liked but they didn’t work for one reason or another. So I came back to the name that one of my friends had thought of back when I made my photography website, which is Photos by MP.
Blog by MP.
It just made sense. It’s my initials, it’s my blog, I can talk about anything and not feel like I’m stepping outside of the box that I’m supposed to be stuck in. It’s not a name that I think is cute right now but won’t be in a few years. It’s kind of impossible to get sick of a name that’s exactly what it is.
But mostly I’m really excited about it because I have a new excitement about blogging and more inspiration. As you can tell, I really didn’t blog a lot in 2019 and a lot of that was because I was no longer happy with or proud of my blog because all I could think about is ‘ok once I have the money to move my blog from wordpress to squarespace and make it more professional, I’ll just need a name and everything will be perfect.’ Well that didn’t happen until January 22, 2020.
And then it took another month to transfer everything over and getting everything designed to how I imagined and wanted.
I will say it is frustrating to work on a website on a desktop and absolutely love it and then realize 90% of readers will view the mobile version though. (Give a look at the desktop version if you have a chance, I promise it’s worth it!)
So you can expect a lot of new content this year, hopefully consistently! Because with this new site, I have so much more motivation and inspiration to write about anything and everything!